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1 PostDoctoral position available in the Aristeia project Skin-Doctor, on optical tomographic imaging | Ίδρυμα Τεχνολογίας και Έρευνας

1 PostDoctoral position available in the Aristeia project Skin-Doctor, on optical tomographic imaging | Ίδρυμα Τεχνολογίας και Έρευνας

Στοιχεία επικοινωνίας

Νικολάου Πλαστήρα 100, Βασιλικά Βουτών, 70013 Ηράκλειο Κρήτης
Τηλ. 2810 391922, Φαξ. 2810 391305

Επιστημονικοί τομείς

  • Βιολογία
  • Επιστήμες Υγείας & Πρόνοιας

Καταληκτική ημερομηνία αιτήσεων

Λήγει: 20/08/2013


Applications are invited for one (1) PostDoctoral position on the “Development of a micro-fluidic system for optical fluorescence computed tomography” at the Institute for Electronic Structure and Lasers (IESL-FORTH) in Crete, Greece. The position is funded by the Aristeia project Skin-Doctor.

Research Topics

Optical Imaging and tomography

The research will be conducted at the In vivo Imaging Lab (IVIL) of the Instirute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL), Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH).


Development of a micro-fluidic device for an optical computed tomography system in combination with a microscope for the study and characterization of biological tissue samples. Duration: 4 months starting September 2013.


PhD in Biological Science or relevant fields, with experience in optical computed tomography, microfluidics and imaging of biological tissue.

Προθεσμία υποβολής αιτήσεων: 20/08/2013

Application Procedure

The applicants should send:

1. An up to date CV.

2. A letter of motivation, presenting the reasons for which you are interested in doing your PhD with us.

Please feel free to send any other enquiries to the email address mentioned above.

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