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2 Marie Curie PhD Research Positions at Chemical Process & Energy Resources Institute | Εθνικό Κέντρο Έρευνας και Τεχνολογικής Ανάπτυξης (ΕΚΕΤΑ)

2 Marie Curie PhD Research Positions at Chemical Process & Energy Resources Institute | Εθνικό Κέντρο Έρευνας και Τεχνολογικής Ανάπτυξης (ΕΚΕΤΑ)

Στοιχεία επικοινωνίας

Egialeias 52, Maroussi, GR15125
Chemical Process and Energy Resources Institute (CPERI)
Nikolopoulos Nikos
Tel. +30 211 1069 506/509

Επιστημονικοί τομείς

  • Επιστήμες γης και περιβάλλοντος
  • Επιστήμη μηχανικού/ηλεκτρολόγου
  • Πληροφορική
  • Φυσική
  • Χημεία

Καταληκτική ημερομηνία αιτήσεων

Λήγει: 15/03/2016

Κατηγορία Υποτροφίας


Applications are invited for two (2) PhD positions (Early Stage Researcher Fellowship), funded by the Marie Curie-ITN 'HAoS' project. HAoS (Holistic Approach of Spray Injection through a Generalized Multi-phase Framework), is a unique international and interdisciplinary research consortium based on high profile universities, research organizations and large innovative industries.

PhD topics that are offered:

ESR1 Project Title: Droplet cluster break-up characterisation under non-evaporating conditions.


  • (1) To characterise using DNS the dynamics of dense droplet clusters.
  • (2) Derivation of relevant SGS (sub-grid-scale) models

ESR2 Project Title: Droplet cluster break-up characterisation under evaporating conditions.


  • (1) Characterise the increased surface area and vaporisation rate for the same droplet clusters as ESR1 including vaporisation.

Person Specifications:

We are looking for enthusiastic Early Stage Researchers, who want to apply know-how and experience in a challenging technical environment.

Successful candidates:

  • Should have less than 4 years of research experience. This is measured from the date when they obtained the degree which formally entitles them to embark on a doctorate, either in the country in which the degree was obtained or in the country in which the research training is provided.
  • Must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies etc.) in Greece for more than 12 months in the last 3 years.
  • Should not possess a PhD.
  • Should have basic knowledge on computational methods applicable inmultiphase flows
  • Should have experience in programming (e.g. Fortran, C, C++)
  • Should have good communication skills.
  • Should have proven knowledge of the English language, both oral and written

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