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1 PhD position in Methodology and Biological Psychology in Netherlands | VU University Amsterdam

1 PhD position in Methodology and Biological Psychology in Netherlands | VU University Amsterdam

Στοιχεία επικοινωνίας

Main building VU University Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam
Tel. +31 20 59 89898, Fax. +31 20 59 89899
Prof. dr. Catrin Finkenauer
Tel.: 020 5988857

Επιστημονικοί τομείς

  • Βιολογία
  • Ψυχολογία

Φορέας υποτροφίας

Καταληκτική ημερομηνία αιτήσεων

Λήγει: 28/05/2015

Κατηγορία Υποτροφίας


  • Integrating multidisciplinary evidence of other subprojects in ACTION to develop an empirically-based, comprehensive framework of childhood aggression, representing the risk factors of aggression in children and adolescents.
  • Studying existing prevention and intervention approaches to detect commonalities and differences for different subgroups of children and families.
  • Analyzing large population-based samples, longitudinal data, and establishing reliable assessments of risk indicators.
  • Using decision tree approach to examine how risk factors interact and create customized risk profiles.
  • Conducting meta-analyses and reviews on prevention and intervention methods
  • Developing guidelines to improve clinical decision making
  • Collaborating with the ACTION program research team
  • Publishing the results of the work as scientific articles in high ranked journals and conferences.


  • The candidate should have a strong background (MA) in biological psychology, developmental psychology, methodology, epidemiology, clinical psychology or other relevant areas with demonstrable expertise in data modeling and complex statistical analyses (multilevel analysis, structural modeling, meta-analysis).
  • The candidate should be able to use one, and ideally several, statistical software packages (Mplus, Lisrel and R).
  • The candidate should have sufficient programming skills and experience with data analysis.
  • Knowledge of (genetically informed) family studies and designs
  • Interest in development and developmental trajectories of children and adolescents
  • Willing to take responsibility in data collection
  • Demonstrable experience in handling big, longitudinal data is an advantage
  • Responsibility, dependability, and ability to work independently
  • Excellent knowledge of the English language, both written and oral (a thesis written in English is commendable.

Conditions of employment

The salary will be in accordance with university regulations for academic personnel, and amounts € 2.125,- gross per month during the first year and increases to € 2.717,- gross per month during the 4th year, based on a full time employment.


VU University Amsterdam is one of the leading institutions for higher education in Europe and aims to be inspiring, innovative, and committed to societal welfare. It compromises twelve faculties and has teaching facilities for 25.000 students.


The Faculty of Psychology and Education conducts scientific research and provide education in the field of psychology, educational sciences and education. In addition to the regular Bachelor’s and Master’s Programmes, the faculty also provides contract teaching and Higher Education for Older People (HOVO). The faculty employs around 400 people, and the student body numbers more than 1850.

The department of Biological Psychology at VU University coordinates a European consortium conducting a project examining the causes of aggressive disorders among children: ACTION: Aggression in Children: Unraveling gene-environment interplay to inform Treatment and InterventiON strategies. The ACTION project focuses on the interplay of genes and environment in the development of aggression problems in childhood.The unique feature of the European ACTION project is the collaboration with twin-family registers in Europe, including Sweden, Finland, and England who have collected similar data. These data will be integrated to identify risk factors for externalizing behavior problems, such as aggressive behavior. Recently developed statistical methods (e.g.,risk assessment charts, decision-tree techniques, epidemiological indicators) will be used to identify populations at risk and increase the cost-effectiveness of prevention and intervention. Meta-analytic techniques will be applied to establish the state-of-the-art of evidence-based prevention and intervention programs for externalizing behavior problems among children and adolescents. The department of Clinical Child and Family Studies collaborates in the consortium, and is looking for an excellent graduate student for a 4-year PhD. project on the identification of significant risk factors and subgroups for prevention and intervention methods for children with aggression problems.

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