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1 PhD Research position in Molecular Medicine in Norway | The University of Oslo (UiO)

1 PhD Research position in Molecular Medicine in Norway | The University of Oslo (UiO)

Στοιχεία επικοινωνίας

The University of Oslo (UiO)
Problemveien 7, 0313 Oslo, Norway
Tel. (+47) 22 85 50 50, Fax. 22 85 62 50

Επιστημονικοί τομείς

  • Βιολογία
  • Φαρμακευτική

Φορέας υποτροφίας

Καταληκτική ημερομηνία αιτήσεων

Λήγει: 31/05/2015

Κατηγορία Υποτροφίας


The position as research fellow is related to the project: “Brain extracellular matrix: Impact on pathophysiology of the brain” under the thematic area “BrainXM”.

An important aim of the project is to unravel the distribution and roles of a selected number of extracellular matrix proteins in normal and ageing brain.

The overall research problem underlying the project consists of better understanding of molecular mechanisms governing the brain function under normal and pathological conditions.

The project is led by Professor Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, in collaboration with the other members of the thematic area “BrainXM”.

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