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20 IAS Fellowships for International Researchers in UK | Durham University

20 IAS Fellowships for International Researchers in UK | Durham University

Στοιχεία επικοινωνίας

Durham University
Stockton Road, Durham, DH1 3LE
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Tel. 0191 334 2000

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Φορέας υποτροφίας

Καταληκτική ημερομηνία αιτήσεων

Λήγει: 05/06/2015

Κατηγορία Υποτροφίας


Durham University is offering up to 20 IAS Fellowships for a 3-month period between October 2016 and March 2017. Applicants may be from any academic discipline or professional background involving research, and they may come from anywhere in the world. IAS Fellowships include honorarium, travel, accommodation, subsistence and costs associated with replacement teaching or loss of salary (where appropriate). Fellows will contribute to the Institute’s annual theme. The application deadline is 05 June 2015.

Study: The theme for 2016-17 is Scale, interpreted in its broadest sense to be of potential interest to those working in a wide range of disciplines. A number of specific sub-themes have already been identified, including: Temporal and Spatial Scales, Understanding and Representing Scale, Human Scale, Scale and Measurement, Living Scales, Sustaining Scales, Governing Scales, Technological Scale, Scalability and the effects of Scale.


  • Applicants of any nationality are eligible to apply (including UK citizens);
  • Applicants from any discipline are eligible to apply;
  • Applicants may come from an academic or non-academic background (e.g. public intellectuals, artists, writers, film makers, journalists, policy makers, politicians);
  • Applications should be researchers or non-academics who have a well-established or strongly emerging international reputation, have made major contributions to their field, and can provide evidence of research leadership and/or public impact. They are expected to have played a significant role in shaping their discipline or field through their outputs, achievements and indicators of esteem.
  • Applicants must submit a complete application as described in the Application Procedures;
  • Applicants must agree to the conditions of the IAS Fellowships as described in the Further Particulars.

What does it cover?The IAS will cover the costs associated with the Fellow travelling to Durham from their home institution (return fare- economy class), and will provide all Fellows with an honorarium (£3,000 for three months or pro rata for shorter stays). Limited funds exist for teaching buy-outs or contributions to loss of income. Academics who will not be on research leave/sabbatical leave whilst taking up a Fellowship in Durham are eligible to apply for teaching buy-out costs of up to £8,000 (for the three month period or pro rata for shorter stays). Alternatively individuals who will experience a loss of income as a result of accepting an IAS Fellowship are eligible to apply for a contribution towards their salary/earnings of the same amount.

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