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1 Postdoctoral Fellow in pluripotent stem cell hepatocyte progeny in Belgium | KU Leuven

1 Postdoctoral Fellow in pluripotent stem cell hepatocyte progeny in Belgium | KU Leuven

Στοιχεία επικοινωνίας

Oude Markt 13 - bus 5005, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
Tel. +32 16 3 24010
Christina Vochten

Επιστημονικοί τομείς

  • Βιολογία
  • Επιστήμες Υγείας & Πρόνοιας

Φορέας υποτροφίας

Καταληκτική ημερομηνία αιτήσεων

Λήγει: 15/05/2015

Κατηγορία Υποτροφίας


The Stem Cell Institute, Leuven, was founded in 2006 with the aim to understand fundamental mechanisms underlying stem cell proliferation, differentiation and de-differentiation, using different models, with as ultimate goal to translate basic insights to clinical applications. The institute is part of a broad network of research groups at KU Leuven, with excellent expertise in cell biology, genetics,, transcriptomics, metabolomics as well as biophysical characteristics of mammalian cells as well as in model organisms. SCIL is housed, since 2012, in a newly custom-build state of the art laboratory building.

One of the major projects in the Verfaillie lab is to develop new in vitro models using pluripotent stem cell-derived liver cells for hepatic diseases, hepatic infectious diseases as well as for in vitro drug toxicity and drug metabolisation studies. This research is done in collaboration with several partners within the university as well as within Flanders.


One of the major aims of this research project is to set-up relevant multicellular in vitro models using iPSC-derived liver cells as e.g. hepatocytes, stellate cells, etc, from iPSC to assess their use for in vitro drug metabolism and toxicity studies as well as for modeling infectious diseases. Using innovative 3D read-outs such as high content imaging the translatability of the models to a clinical context will be validated and new assay systems will be developed. In addition, iPSC lines from sensitive patients can be used in a pharmacogenomics approach to predict patient specific responses to existing and new molecular entities, paving the way for stratified clinical studies and precision medicine.


The successful applicant will hold a Ph.D. in a relevant research area such as cell biology, molecular biology, cell-based toxicology, and have a strong track record of accomplishment. Prior experience pluripotent stem cell-technologies is considered a plus. The applicant should have excellent written and oral communication skills.


We offer a position for 1 year with the possibility of renewal.

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