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1 Research Fellowship in Design and development of sensors for automotive applications in Italy | Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE)

1 Research Fellowship in Design and development of sensors for automotive applications in Italy | Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE)

Στοιχεία επικοινωνίας

via Università, 4 - 41121 Modena
Tel: 059 205 6504/6548/6075, Fax: 059 205 6507

Επιστημονικοί τομείς

  • Επιστήμη μηχανικού/ηλεκτρολόγου

Καταληκτική ημερομηνία αιτήσεων

Λήγει: 16/04/2015

Κατηγορία Υποτροφίας


The proposed research has an inter-disciplinary character and in general relates to biophysical sensing techniques. Successful completion of the project will give results contributing to research and development of the advanced measuring techniques and instrumentation for automotive applications. Main efforts will be focused on non-contact sensors, in particular optical sensors.

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