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1 PhD Research Position in Fault Tolerant Algorithms in Austria | University of Vienna

1 PhD Research Position in Fault Tolerant Algorithms in Austria | University of Vienna

Στοιχεία επικοινωνίας

Währinger Straße 29, 1090 Wien
Assoz. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Wilfried Gansterer, Privatdoz.
Tel. +43-1-4277-78311, Fax +43-1-4277-8 78311

Επιστημονικοί τομείς

  • Επιστήμη μηχανικού/ηλεκτρολόγου
  • Πληροφορική

Φορέας υποτροφίας

Καταληκτική ημερομηνία αιτήσεων

Λήγει: 01/02/2016

Κατηγορία Υποτροφίας


The research group Theory and Applications of Algorithms at the Faculty of Computer Science of the University of Vienna has an opening for a PhD student in a joint research project with the research group Parallel Computing at Vienna University of Technology on resilient and fault tolerant algorithms in numerical linear algebra.

We offer an excellent working environment with a wide range of expertise in a strongly integrated project team and intensive support for successfully completing a PhD project. We expect active, self-motivated and cooperative research activities and publication of research results in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. There are no teaching requirements – if desired, small teaching assignments may be possible.

The position is for three years, initially for 30 hours/week, but can be upgraded to 40 hours/week (subject to a positive evaluation). Anticipated starting date is March 1st, 2016. The working language is English. German is not a requirement, but willingness to learn a plus.

Required qualifications:

  • A first-rate Master or Dipl.-Ing. degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or a closely related field with focus on algorithms and data structures, discrete mathematics and linear algebra, computer systems, parallel computing, and programming. Applicants must have completed all degree requirements before starting their appointment.
  • Strong analytical skills, as well as solid software development and programming skills.
  • Background in high performance computing (HPC), dense numerical linear algebra, numerical analysis, and in fault-tolerance for parallel and distributed computing systems.
  • Parallel computing experience (shared and/or distributed memory, programming models, interfaces, algorithms).
  • Demonstrated written and oral communication skills and effective interpersonal skills.
  • Demonstrated research experience in fault tolerant parallel/distributed algorithms.
  • Expertise and practical experience in programming and working with HPC systems as well as in parallel discrete event simulation.
  • Familiarity with algorithms for distributed aggregation and rumor spreading.
  • Expertise in MPI and other parallel/distributed programming frameworks as well as in large scale simulations of parallel algorithms.

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