MSc in Business for Lawyers | ALBA
HotΣτοιχεία επικοινωνίας
Ξενίας 6-8, ΤΚ 115 28, Αθήνα, πλατεία Μαβίλη
Τηλ: 210 8964531-8, Φαξ: 210 8964737
Business School
Μερικής φοίτησης
Επιστημονικοί τομείς
- Επιστήμες διοίκησης (Οργάνωση & Διοίκηση)
- Νομική
- Αθήνα
You know Business Law; Now Learn the Laws of Business
Clients are in need of lawyers who understand their business. The ALBA MSc in Business for Lawyers program is the only academic qualification that prepares lawyers to confront complex problems in the corporate environment and financial markets.
The program enables legal professionals to gain a solid theoretical understanding as well as a practical approach to economic and financial issues related to the day-to-day operations of a business firm. The program provides a unique learning experience that promotes collaboration and leadership competencies in an interdisciplinary curriculum.
The ALBA MSc in Business for Lawyers is designed for legal professionals who :
- manage and lead their own law firm
- work as corporate counsels
- work in corporate financing and restructuring
- work in or with financial services firms
- work as consultants to business executives
Highlights of the Program
- The core segment of the program offers a solid foundation of the economic, financial and accounting principles along with necessary quantitative skills. Special emphasis is provided on the practical applications of the economic theories.
- The program matches the legal interests of the participants by providing specialization courses on the legal aspects of international finance as well as courses on taxation, and complex financial contracts.
- The program is:
a) A link between the legal profession and modern practice in business and finance.
b) A framework for participants to think and act as business partners offering business and managerial insight
c) A learning experience that fosters leadership and teamwork competencies
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