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Art App - ClearPainting Free | Digital Brainwash

Art App - ClearPainting Free | Digital Brainwash


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Art App – ClearPainting is a unique drawing and painting app differ from other drawing apps in the app store. Art App provides easy to use, unique interface for people who want to create very nice looking graphics and design arts, and to store them in the Photo album.

Most unique feature of Art App is that it provides opacity/transparency changing colors where each color can be set with different opacity level, thus colors can be semi-transparent/translucent, creating magical mix of colors when colors overlap each other.

It also allows you to use photos from your photo album as background image. The background image can be kept or removed for your final artwork, thus making your art work unique and clean-looking without the photo background. (To do this, draw over a photo background, and then simply change the background image to plain White or Black.)

Art App – ClearPainting is fun for adults and kids who want to create clean and nice looking painting and drawing artworks by tracing photographs and images, or just simply to create very unique semi-transparent color paintings (just like using watercolor or highlighter pens).

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