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Exoplanet Explorer | Neil Burlock

Exoplanet Explorer | Neil Burlock


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Exoplanet Explorer takes you on a journey into deep space, beyond the limits of our Solar System. Based on the latest available data, you'll explore virtual models of more than 700 known planets and the star systems that they inhabit.

The data is sourced from The Planetary Habitability Laboratory, SIMBAD, and scientific papers, and if it's not available from one of these sources, then wherever possible it will be calculated or estimated, giving you access to one of the most complete exoplanet databases.

In addition to an intuitive interface which allows touch driven navigation through our Galaxy, Exoplanet Explorer also offers a comprehensive search tool which will let you find the planets and systems that you are interested in. This includes the ability to both search and sort by planet name, the number of planets in a system or even then number of stars in a system, to name just a few.

Statistics are provided to summarise the information in the database and give you a global perspective.

Planets have been divided up into 6 classes, and further subdivides into 3 temperature classes. This information has then been used to create models which are then assembled into working solar systems to give you an idea of what they might look like if we could travel there today.

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